I DID IT!! Its 3pm and its time to woke up and had a freshing bath with my brand new sensual body gel! Good Smell Just Make My Day!
After bath, as usual turn on my lappie, grab a packet of Mamee Snackie and playing my favourite song BIG BANG!
Actually I planned to do a tutorial recording for my bloggie but couldnt make it! Because I missed out some of the items so bo bian lohh...
Out of randomness in the bored and melting day,I actually clean up a few parts of my small lil cupboard,and I found a LG Prada leaflet (in all black colour) so I decided to grab it,took out a pencil, drew a shape of mustache and I cut it!
Final outcomes....~~~Tadahhhhh~~~
DIY by myself lehhh~~ Nice?
The clock keep spinning and spinning, so I decided to take out my bags of cosmectics to TOUCH UP my naked face and heads out to ION Orchard! Of course,got intention to go for ION Daiso to buy some stuffie..
This is the best I can snap the pictures of my day #outfit as i got no photographer with me and no BIG mirror around me for that moment so I just get to snap the top only which is Adidas Printed Tee from Hong Kong.
ION ORCHARD! Here I come~~
I think I spent for like an hour walking around in Daiso and i grabbed up 9 items and cost me only $18 ($2 for each item)
I bought a few pairs of cute long socks,some *blingbling* stuff to deco my iPhone case,super glue to stick the *blingbling* stuff,a few pairs of fake eyelash for training purpose..
Here's the stuffs for DIY *bling bling* Iphone Casing
Well, I planned to DIY myself a *Blingbling* iPhone casing
and stated G-D (shortform of G-Dragon ) hahhaha!!
P/s: Will repost again once the casing is done!
Items for DIY Iphone Casing purpose
*the pic is not very clear though as I snap this under a dark surrounding*
Bling Bling
Super Glue
*sticks my finger at first few times...irritating*
My old iPhone Casing bought it from Tampines Pasar Malam for $4.00
*get bored of it*
After finishing my shopping in ION Daiso, I went to Marina Square to wait the boyfie off work at 10p.m. so I went to Watson and tries to get some Fake Eyelashes Adhesive Glue and here I found it with the super duper mini size with a cute pinky packaging. The brand is KOJI from Korea and it only cost for $2.90 only.
If girls out there who don't like to carry bulky things to go out or just for any convinience use,you can buy this and put in your handbag or even just in your wallet or lil purse that you have.
because the size of this thing is around 4-5 cm only.
Its very small and cute.
Yet is cheap!
The texture will be latex and will turn to white after stick it.
After buying this, I walk passed a shop that sells all imported foods,beverages,snacks and sweets from Korea. i can't really imagine what's the name of the shop but I know that its right next to the Guardian in Marina Square 1st Floor.
Well,I went in to look around as I still got plaenty of time. I saw 3 types of can drink has Tae Yang,GD & TOP's face on the packaging!
so I quickly grab the GD & TOP's one and walk towards the cashier to make payment! haha!
It cost me $1.50 per bottle only.
It cost me $1.50 per bottle only.
So its quitereasonable la.
The taste of the drinks not bad...its a fruit taste can drinks.
Gdragon - Pineapple
TOP - Orange
Tae Yang- Grape
awwww~~ They are so Cute and Handsome!!
That is why I admitted in FB that my hobby is looking at those Cute & Handsome guys.
Only GD one! LoVES!
Half faces of GD & TOP!
Go GRAB it TODAY if you are a fan of them!
Ended my day by having supper with boyfie,two of my girlfriends Sheela & Fairy and a guy friend of Fairy in Lavender Square!
Kinda sad cause the Tom Yum from the Thai stall that I craving so much was closed (too late alry)
so end up eat rice with stingrays,fried mussels,fried long beans and also a bowl of Lotus Root soup.
Goodbye 07062012!
A Tiring Day Again
Last is counting down the days to back my precious hometown #Penang!
Penang I'm coming back soon!
Left 7 Days!!!
Excited for the Dinner,Camwhoring session,& Singing #likealousai moment!
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